To find our more about the Mayo Abbey Parish Housing Association CLG, the background to the housing project, and other information please click the links below.
Background to the Housing Project
Background to Mayo Abbey Parish Housing Association CLG
Mayo Abbey Housing Association was formed in 2000 under the umbrella of Mayo Abbey Community Council and their first job was to research housing in the locality. Their research highlighted a number of points:
- It identified that there was an interest and need for housing in the community
- Support was available from the Department of the Environment
- Mayo County Council were interested in supporting communities to develop their own social housing projects and were open to considering joint development
In addition, the Community Council worked with Mayo County Council to:
- Ensure Mayo Abbey had a new sewage scheme developed
- Connect Mayo Abbey village to Lough Mask water supply
A key consideration for the project was to identify and attain a suitable site that would provide easy access to the village and would be central to the other Mayo Abbey Community Council initiatives. These requisites were vital; especially with a view to supporting older people remain living independently and with dignity in their homes and their community, as well as providing homes for families close to childcare services, the primary school and GAA facilities.
A site was identified beside the Resource Centre and the landowner agreed to sell the land for the project. The local residents and community were also on board with the project, and without their support and good will the project would not have been possible.
The Committee held consultations with the following before coming up with the housing plan:
- Members of the public interested in rented accommodation
- Government Departments and Agencies involved in Social Housing
- Existing Social Housing Projects
- Mayo County Council with regards to future plans for water and sewage in the area
- Mayo County Council with regards to future plans for Local Authority Housing
- Irish Council for Social Housing
Following the design, planning and approval of funding, construction began in 2007.
The partnership approach between Mayo Abbey Parish Housing Association and Mayo County Council, together with the good will of the local landowner and the support of the community has brought forward a balanced project including Social Housing catering for families, elderly, disabled and returning immigrants.
Cnoc na nIúr Housing Development
Cnoc na nIúr hosing development came about as a result of the partnership between Mayo Abbey Parish Housing Association and Mayo County Council. The development consisting of 17 houses and 4 serviced sites. 12 houses are owned by Mayo Abbey Parish Housing Association and 5 houses plus the serviced sites are owned by Mayo County Council. Mayo Abbey Parish Housing Association’s stock consists of 9 x 2 bedroom houses and 3 x 3 bedroom houses.
Ease of access and ease of maintenance were given great consideration at the planning stage. With this in mind, and allowing for the fact that the houses were to be suitable for the needs of older people, all houses are bungalow. Each house has its own private garden at the back. The gardens to the front of the house are open plan. There is a substantial, beautifully landscaped green area in the development also. The green area and front gardens are all maintained by Mayo Abbey Parish Housing Association.
The development provides high quality social housing for the elderly and families in an area of the village that is within easy access of the Church, the Resource Centre, the Crèche, the local shop and pub, the Primary School, the Rural Transport Programme and Mayo Gaels GAA. It offers independent living to older and less able-bodied residents and connects them to a range of relevant local services.

The project was officially opened by President Mary McAlese.
Having the development located in the vicinity of the other Mayo Abbey projects means that residents have access to the services provided by the Resource Centre, all of which facilitate social interaction. These include:
- A meals on wheels programme whereby meals can be delivered from the Resource Centre to the residents home with provision for up to 6 days.
- Residents can avail of a 3 course social lunch at the Centre with members of the broader community every Tuesday. This is a social gathering and is often followed by an activity such as bingo.
- A Community Transport Programme run by Local Link Mayo departs the Resource Centre daily (Tuesday – Saturday) for Castlebar and returns again each afternoon. Another bus departs each Thursday for Claremorris & Knock. Each of these buses also link with other local communities such as Ballyglass, Carnacon, etc.
- Residents are within a two – three minute walk of the Resource Centre.
- The Resource Centre encompasses a training centre which runs a variety of training courses at different levels. Some courses are specifically aimed at the older generation such as Computers and Digital Media.
In addition, the following are all in the vicinity of Cnoc na nIúr and the completion of new footpaths and village lighting mean that all are easily and safely accessible:
- Abbey Tots crèche is a two minute walk from the housing development. The crèche provides services including breakfast club, full day care, after school care, drop off and collection to/from school for children from 4 months to 12 years.
- Mayo Abbey Church
- Mayo Abbey Primary School
- Mayo Gaels Football Club
- Mayo Gaels Walking Track
- Village shop
- Village pub
The aim of the housing association was to provide houses which would:
- Enable the elderly in the community to age confidently and with dignity in their own community, to provide homes suitable to meet their needs and which would enable them to “rightsize” as they move through their lives and to provide supports in the vicinity which would allow them to lead active, healthy and socially connected lives.
- Provide families with affordable rental accommodation in a central area of the village and in walking distance of the local school, childcare service and community facilities.
Mayo Abbey Housing Association Company Information
Mayo Abbey Parish Housing Association CLG is registered with the companys office – Company Number 316503.
The company is registered with the Charities Authority – CHY No: and Charity Number
The company is affiliated to The Irish Council for Social Housing and is a member of the Approved Housing Body Regulatory Authority.
Company DIrectors:
- T.J. Wilson (Chairperson)
- Ger Maguire
- Martin Dunne
- Richard Trench
- Fr. Austin Fergus
Housing Gallery