Mayo Abbey Parish Dev. Co. Ltd.

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Health & Safety


Health & Safety


Workplace Safety FETAC Level 4

Training Provider: FRS Training Ltd

Course Content

  • Work Areas
  • Safety Procedures
  • Safety EquipmentCourse Content
  • Health and Safety Legislation
  • Identification of Hazards

Programme will involve:
- assignment work
- project work
- an examination
- skills demonstration


Occupational First Aid
FETAC Level 5

Total hours: 22.5
Training Provider: FRS Training Ltd
Price Includes: Trainer Fees, FETAC Registration & Certificates Room & equipment hire.

The aim of this course is to teach the participant how to be able to deal with different types of accidents and injuries in the workplace should they occur, and be able to administer proper First Aid to the casualty. This course complies with the new guidelines on First Aid which include AED & the administration of asprin as laid down by the Health and Safety Authority. It is advisable to wear loose clothing such as a tracksuit & runners as the course consists of many practical sessions. Training may be carried out in your own workplace or alternatively some other suitable venue can be arranged.

Course Content

  • Assessment, Accident scene Management
  • Circulation Wounds, Bleeding.
  • Respiration, Asphyxiation and CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)
  • Heart Attacks
  • Unconsciousness and Head injuries.
  • Fractures Dislocations and soft tissue injuries.
  • Burns Scalds, Chemical poisons and Electric shock
  • Medical Emergencies, Crush and Spinal Injuries.
  • AED (De-Fib Training)
  • Administration of asprin
  • General Safety Rules



Total hours: 8
Training Provider: FRS Training Ltd
Price Includes: Trainer Fees, FETAC Registration & Certificates Room & equipment hire.

The Safe Pass Programme is a one-day Safety Awareness training programme aimed at all construction site personnel, including new entrants, to ensure that they have a basic knowledge of health and safety. Participants are issued with a safe pass card by FAS following successful completion of the course (cards will take a number of weeks to issue)

Course Content

  • Reasons for promoting Safety
  • Health & Safety Legislation
  • Accident Reporting & Emergency procedure
  • Accident prevention
  • Health & Hygiene
  • Manual Handling
  • Working at Heights
  • Working with electricity
  • Overhead and underground services
  • Use of hand held equipment
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Safe use of Vehicles
  • Noise and Vibrations
  • Excavations & Confined Spaces

On day you will be required to provide the following:

  • Participants Name
  • Company Name & Address
  • Contact Phone Number
  • One passport photo signed on the back
  • PPS Number

A good level of English is required. For non-English speaking participants interpreters must be used (one language per course)


Operating a Lawnmower
FETAC level 3

Duration: 1 Day
Total hours: 7.5
Training Provider: FRS Training Ltd
Price Includes: Trainer Fees, FETAC Registration & Certificates Room & equipment hire.

Course Content

1. Pre use Checks

  • Health & safety legislation
  • Machine Maintenance
  • Cleaning
  • Oil check
  • Spark plug
  • Grass Box
  • Filter
  • Daily Services

2. Operational Activities

  • Wear appropriate gear
  • Operate Mower
  • Operating close to solid structure
  • Empty grass box
  • Obstructions
  • Replacing cord

3. Post operational checks

  • Cleaning
  • Check blade/cord
  • Overall condition
  • Storage
  • Work hygiene practices


Operating a Strimmer
FETAC level 3

Duration: 1 Day
Total hours: 7.5
Training Provider: FRS Training Ltd
Price Includes: Trainer Fees, FETAC Registration & Certificates Room & equipment hire.

Course Content

1. Pre use Checks

  • Health & safety legislation
  • Machine Maintenance
  • Cleaning
  • Oil check
  • Daily Services

2. Operational Activities

  • Wear appropriate gear
  • Operate Strimmer
  • Operating close to solid structure
  • Replacing cord

3. Post operational checks

  • Cleaning
  • Check blade/cord
  • Overall condition
  • Storage
  • Work hygiene practices


Domestic Plumbing
FETAC Level 4

Duration: 3 Days
Total hours: 21
Training Provider: FRS Training Ltd
Price Includes: Trainer Fees, FETAC Registration & Certificates Room & equipment hire.

Course Content

Domestic Hot & Cold Water System

  • Fit or replace water stop cock
  • Fit or replace Ballcock
  • Repair or install tap washer
  • Cut copper pipe using pipe cutting tool
  • Bend ½" copper pipe using bending spring or bending machine
  • Make joints using compression fittings or soldered fittings
  • Make joints in Qualpex

Tools and Materials

  • Identify various fittings used in domestic plumbing
  • Identify various pipes used in domestic plumbing
  • Make decisions on correct type of joint to use in various situations.
  • Make decisions on correct type of pipe to use in various situations
  • Identify various tools used in domestic plumbing
  • Use various tools used in domestic plumbing
  • Identify location of various key elements e.g. main water supply. Entry and Stopcock position

Central Heating System

  • Fit and connect central heating radiators
  • Fit and connect expansion vessels
  • Fit and connect expansion tank
  • Fit a circulation pump
  • Identify various central heating boilers

Waste Water

  • Connect waste fittings to sink
  • Use appropriate glue to make connections in waste pipe
  • Fit waste trap
  • Make connections from toilet pan using a multiwick
  • Make connections in 4" soil pipe

Health and Safety

  • Identify the adverse physical, chemical, biological and psychological effects of common hazards on the human body.
  • Recognise common hazard symbols and labels
  • Know the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees as specified in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act.
  • Have due care for safety of customers and their property.

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