Mayo Abbey Parish Dev. Co. Ltd.

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Information Technology


IT Training


Digital Media (Cameras)

Duration: 2 sessions
Total Hours: 5 hours
Training Body: St Colman's Training Centre
Includes: Tuition

Course Content
Not available at the moment - Contact Centre

Digital Media (Music)

Duration: 2 sessions
Total Hours: 5 hours
Training Body: St Colman's Training Centre
Includes: Tuition

Course Content
Not available at the moment - Contact Centre


Introduction to Internet
FETAC Level 3 LF2547

Duration: 5 Days
Total Hours: 3 x 5
Training Body: St Colman's Training Centre
Includes: Tuition and Certification

Course Content

This course is designed to assist the participants to gain a good overall use & understanding of;

  • The Training Room Network, The Computer & The Windows 7 Environment
  • The Concept & Use of The Internet - (Dial Up Connections, Broadband, Searching using a Browser, Search Engines & URL's)
  • The Concept, Creation & Use of Email - (including the Sending of Attachments - Documents & Images & Compressed Files
  • The Concept of Firewalls, Anti Virus & Anti Spyware Applications - (Safe, Successful, Secure, Surfing)
  • The Use of Firewalls, Anti Virus & Anti Spyware Applications
  • Downloading Applications - (Documents & Images)
  • Saving of Downloaded Material - (File & Folder Management)
  • Scanning of Documents & Images
  • Cutting, Copying & Pasting of Data into Other Applications
  • Understanding Online Forms & other Online Booking Processes
  • Location & Downloading of Free Internet Applications - (Anti Virus, Anti Spyware, Real player, Adobe Applications, QuickTime etc.)

To view or download the complete module descriptor click the link below

Introduction to internet Module Descriptor


Computer Literacy
FETAC Level 3 BF0133

Duration: 5 Days 3 hours per Day
Total Hours: 3 x 5
Training Body: St Colman's Training Centre
Includes: Tuition and Certification

Unit 1 Computer Operation & Use / IT Theory

  • Describe the component parts of a computer system (hardware & software).
  • Operate computer, with attention to safety.
  • Everyday life and computers.
  • About Microsoft Windows.

Unit 2 Internet

  • Load internet browser.
  • Search for information.
  • Save WebPages to favorites.
  • Internet safety.
  • Exit from internet browser.

Unit 3 Email

  • Get an email address.
  • Create and send emails.
  • Reply and forward emails.
  • Exit from email.

Unit 4 Word Processing

  • Load word-processor.
  • Keying in a piece of Text
  • Format text.
  • Edit text.
  • Print a document.
  • Exit from word.

To view or download the complete module descriptor click the link below

Computer Literacy Module Descriptor


Information Technology
FETAC Level 4 B10135

Duration: 8 full Days
Total Hours:
Training Body: St Colman's Training Centre
Includes: Tuition and Certification

  • Introduction to Information Technology
  • Introduction to Data Entry/Keyboard
  • Introduction to Word Processing
  • Introduction to the Internet
  • Introduction to File Management

Information Technology Skills Module Descriptor


ECDL Syllabus 5

Duration: 10 Days
Total Hours: 6 hours per Day
Training Body: St Colman's Training Centre
Includes: Tuition, Certification and Skills Card

ECDL (European computer Drivers License) is the world's most successful IT skills certification programme. With millions participating worldwide.
The ECDL establishes a standard for everyone who uses a computer in both a professional or personal capacity. It is a certificate that verifies competence in computer use, making the holder readily mobile within Ireland and internationally. Employers and job seekers all agree on the importance of this standard definition of practical competence in Information Technology.
ECDL is divided into seven modules, 6 practical and 1 theoretical. A test in each module must be passed before the ECDL is awarded.

1. Word processing
2. Spreadsheets
3. Database
4. PowerPoint
5. Internet and E mail
6. File Management
7. Information Technology Theory

Typing Skills, knowledge of computer applications, must have basic computer literacy course completed.


ECDL Start Syllabus 5

Duration: 14 Days
Total Hours: 3 hours per Day
Training Body: St Colman's Training Centre
Includes: Tuition, Certification and Skills Card

The ECDL Start programme or pre ECDL, as it is often referred to, provides training in just four modules out of the full ECDL 7 module programme. These are

1. Word Processing
2. Spreadsheets
3. File Management
4. Internet & Email

However if a candidate wishes to substitute one of the above modules for one of the remaining 3 modules i.e. PowerPoint presentation, Databases or IT Theory, this can be arranged on request.

Please note the ECDL Start certificate is awarded to a candidate who has completed four out of a possible seven modules of the ECDL programme. The certificate does not indicate that the candidate has completed the full ECDL certificate. We would encourage all candidates to return and complete all modules to receive their full ECDL certificate,

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