Mayo Abbey Parish Dev. Co. Ltd.

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Personal Development


Personal Development


Care of the Older Person
FETAC Level 5 D20180

Duration: 8 Evenings
Total Hours: 24
Training Provider: Careres Association
Price: Carers wishing to avail of a place on this course can avail of a reduced fee subsidised by the Carers Association

Care of the Older Person FETAC Level 5 Module Descriptor


Training in areas of guidance and assistance

C.V's., Letter Writing, Interview Skills and Interview Preparation, Psychometric Test Preparation, Confidence Building, Career Guidance and Coaching. Available by appointment through Mayo N.E. Job Clubs supported by FÁS.
Contact 087 262 9367


FETAC Level 3 GF0001

Duration: 4 Days
Total hours: 28 hours
Training Provider: St Colman's Training Centre
Price Includes: Trainer Fees, FETAC Registration & Certificates Room and equipment hire.

Course Content

This module is one of the three core modules needed to obtain a major award at Level 3 Certificate in General Learning.

1 Learning to Learn

  • Develop a personal learning plan.
  • Review and adapt the learning plan as necessary.
  • Practise different ways of learning in different situations.

2 Non-verbal Communication

  • Interpret common signs and symbols.
  • Interpret common non-verbal messages.
  • Use non-verbal signals to convey a specific message

3 Personal Interactions

  • Extract the main facts, ideas and opinions from a variety of spoken sources.
  • Start and maintain conversation in different settings.
  • Describe events, procedures and processes.
  • Express personal opinions.

4 Reading

  • Use a range of suitable reading techniques.
  • Respond appropriately to everyday visual and written materials.
  • Locate information in a range of reference sources.

5 Writing

  • Use writing to carry out everyday tasks.
  • Write personal and formal correspondence.
  • Write simple instructions.
  • Use correct punctuation, spelling and sentence structure.
  • Draft, proof-read and edit work

6 Media Awareness and Visual Communication

  • Discuss media-related issues.
  • Interpret and evaluate visual images.

7 Introduction to Information Technology

  • Discuss ways in which information technology affects everyday life.
  • Read from a Visual Display Unit and follow instructions

Please click on the link below to view or download the module descriptor

Communications FETAC Level 3 Module Descriptor

FETAC Level 5 G20001

Duration: 6 Days
Total hours: 42 hours
Training Provider: St Colman's Training Centre
Price Includes: Trainer Fees, FETAC Registration & Certificates Room and equipment hire.

Course Content

Units Covered

  • Listening and Speaking
  • Reading and Writing
  • Non-Verbal and Visual Communication
  • Communications Technology

Unit 1 Listening and Speaking

  • Understand key terms used in communications theory.
  • Recognise the kinds of listening required in different contexts
  • Demonstrate a range of listening behaviours appropriate to the context
  • Practise communications techniques
  • Participate effectively in group discussion and negotiated decision making
  • Co-operate and contribute effectively in formal meetings prepare and deliver an oral presentation and answer questions.

Unit 2 Reading and Writing

  • Gather information from a range of written material including technical/vocational, personal.
  • Read critically, with objectivity and discrimination, a range of media texts including written, visual and broadcast texts
  • Apply a reading approach appropriate to purpose and the nature of the text
  • Recognise some key issues currently facing media consumers
  • Write clearly, confidently and expressively in a variety of forms
  • Use with confidence the vocabulary and language conventions relevant to a specific area of work
  • Follow the conventions of writing for a specific purpose including reports, memoranda, minutes, applications, letters, faxes etc.
  • Observe the current conventions of written English usage (spelling, punctuation, syntax etc.) in accordance with purpose
  • Draft, edit and proof-read written documents
  • Plan and undertake research into a topic related to a vocational specialism, using a variety of sources, both primary (e.g. interviews and observations) and secondary (e.g. internet, media, libraries).

Unit 3 Non-Verbal and Visual Communication

  • Demonstrate an understanding of various non-verbal and visual codes
  • Demonstrate appropriate non-verbal communication in a range of settings including one-to-one, group, formal and informal
  • Recognise the role of perception in the communication process and factors that affect it such as sensory variation, stereotyping, prejudice
  • Recognise the ways physical environment communicates e.g. structure, shape, colour, texture, smell, sound
  • Construct and interpret visual aids and/or images.

Unit 4 Communications Technology

  • Explain the impact of communication and information technology on personal, social and vocational life
  • Describe the various uses of technology to assist communication e.g. computers, telephones,
  • Use a range of communications technologies to exchange information with another user e.g. e- mail, fax, mobile telephone
  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology in communications
  • Outline current relevant legislation (e.g. the Data Protection Act the Freedom of Information Act)

Please click on the link below to view or download the module descriptor

Communications FETAC Level 5 Module Descriptor

Career Information
FETAC Level 3 WF0006

Duration: 4 Days
Total hours: 28 hours
Training Provider: St Colman's Training Centre
Price Includes: Trainer Fees, FETAC Registration and Certificates Room and equipment hire.

Course Content

  • Identify sources of information about work opportunities in the locality.
  • Investigate workplaces and work opportunities in the locality.
  • Produce a profile of provision for training and education in the locality.
  • Investigate one locally-available training programme.
  • Identify workers' rights and responsibilities.
  • Interpret a sample pay slip.
  • Identify some changes which people have to cope with during their working lives.
  • Identify ways of coping with unemployment.
  • Find out about some different forms of support available from the Department of Social Welfare.
  • Identify sources of information on work opportunities in other countries.
  • Evaluate sources of career information.

Please click on the link below to view or download the module descriptor

Career Infromation FETAC Level 3 Module Descriptor

Personal and Interpersonal Skills
FETAC Level 3 GF0032

4 Days
Total hours:
28 hours
Training Provider:
St Colman's Training Centre
Price Includes:
Trainer Fees, FETAC Registration andCertificates Room and equipment hire

Course Content

Units Covered

Assertive Communications


  • Compile a personal profile.
  • Design a personal plan of action.
  • Distinguish between personal rights and responsibilities.
  • Recognise the main social and cultural factors which can
  • Influence identity.


  • Illustrate that decisions are a normal part of everyday life.
  • Identify a range of decision- making styles.
  • Reflect on the experience gained from personal decisions taken.

Assertive Communication

  • Explore the nature of passive behaviour.
  • Explore the nature of aggressive behaviour.
  • Explore the nature of assertive behaviour.
  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of aggressive, passive and assertive behaviour.
  • Outline the characteristics of effective listening.
  • Identify the key stages involved in the negotiation process

Please click on the link below to view or download the module descriptor

Person & Interperonal Skills FETAC Level 3 Module Descriptor

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